editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Think Tank News

New Issue of Liberté! Available for Purchase!

New Issue of <i>Liberté!</i> Available for Purchase!

We are happy to present the latest issue of Liberté! – a quarterly magazine published in Polish by Liberté! Foundation. The issue, entitled „RE:volution / Digital Reality”, is a follow-up after the last edition of the Freedom Games – an annual forum organized by the Foundation in Lodz, Poland.

L!_no_XXVIII_fb_okladka1Among the articles written by our regular contribuotrs, you may find also pieces by such renowned figures as Peter A. Gloor (MIT) with his article on From Emperors to the Age of Empathy, Karim Jebari (Institute for Future Studies, Stokholm), who provided an overview of Artigicial Intelligence as an Existential Risk, or Sandrine Müller and her team (University of Cambridge), who focused on Big Data in Psychology.

Apart from these, other themes included in the issue are divided into several main areas: digitalization (the leading topic of the volume), politics, society, ideas, Freedom Games (with contributions from two fascinating speakers: Maria Peszek, a Polish singer, songwriter, and activist, and Adam Wajrak, a Polish nature protection acivist), as well as two book reviews. This compilation makes for a captivating commentary on modernity and current pressing global and local issues. Truly, a must-read!

The magazine is available for purchase (PLN 25) online: http://liberte.eshopping24.eu/opis/9286768/liberte-nr-xxviii-rewolucja-u-cyfrowa-rzeczywistosc.html