editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


REVIEW #18: The Constitutional Court in Lithuania Talks the Talk, and Now the Parliament Must Walk the Walk: Family Protection Means Balance
Review #18
REVIEW #18: The Constitutional Court in Lithuania Talks the Talk, and Now the Parliament Must Walk the Walk: Family Protection Means Balance
Under Article 38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the family is the basis of society and the State, and family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood shall be under the protection and care of the State. Even though the Constitution provides that families are the basis of society and what the concept of marriage is, there are still disagreements between legal scholars, lawyers, and politicians as to what ‘family’ actually means. The state’s obligation to protect families under the Constitution entails not only providing a regulatory framework for creating a family, but also the ability of the family members to make their own decisions in deciding what is best for them and their families.
State and Citizen: To Serve or to Rule?
State and Citizen: To Serve or to Rule?
‘To serve or to rule?’ – this is a dilemma we face as we reflect on the fundamental principles of “the scope of powers [of the state] shall be limited by the Constitution” and “state institutions shall serve the people” on the occasion of the Constitution Day.
Undefinable Rule of Law
Undefinable Rule of Law
Certain Western European politicians think that in Hungary and Poland the rule of law has been damaged to a degree that is not compatible with the values of the EU. Meanwhile, the politicians of the criticized countries argue that the rule of law can differ between countries and is hard to define.
Bulgaria’s March Against Corruption
Bulgaria’s March Against Corruption
The protests in Bulgaria have been going for almost two months now. As the government has failed to provide a meaningful alternative that could satisfy the demands of the demonstrators and thus solve the ongoing political crisis, let us examine the root causes that have driven it.