As The Slovak Spectator writes, the results of the Central European Opinion Research Group’s survey concerning current economic situation in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary show that majority of citizens view the economic situation of their country negatively. 76% of surveyed Slovaks said that current economic situation in their country is bad, it was viewed positively only by 3%. 62% of Czechs see the economic situation in their country as negative, 7% consider it…

President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus is paying a visit to Bulgaria on March 27, 2012, invited by the Bulgarian president Rossen Plevneliev, as The Sofia Echo writes today. There will be both talks between the presidents and between the Czech and Bulgarian delegations. A joint conference is planned to be held by Klaus and Plevneliev.The issues tackled during the talks will include political dialogue, bilateral relations, chances for trade cooperation and widely understood…

According to the portal ( Josef Dobeš,  former Minister of Education, resigned from his position. Officially the resignation followed decision to cut down on the Ministry of Education’s budget, which would mean according to the former Minister “unacceptable cut in teachers’ salaries”. Czech media, however, speculate that financial cuts at the Ministry were just an excuse for Dobeš to resign. Former Minister was criticized for inefficient management of the European funds. Another criticism towards…

On March 15, 2012 Wenseclas Square in Prague became a gathering point for thousands of demonstrators against the coalition government and President Vaclav Klaus. Estimations as to the number of participants vary from 2,500 to 5,000 people. As The Prague Post writes protests were organized in various cities in the whole country under the name “Holešov Appeal”. According to the newspaper demands of the protesters include among others government’s resignation, halt of the church restitution,…