editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

EU funds

Paying for Results, Not Expenses
Paying for Results, Not Expenses
Large oil field, steel production capacity, or number of tractors produced do not make the company rich. The company grows rich thanks to skilled people in the right place, their excellent skills and ability to adapt to change. As Julian Simon used to say, the ultimate source of wealth is man.
“Kings of Life” in Polish Prosecutor’s Office
“Kings of Life” in Polish Prosecutor’s Office
The report by the Lex Super Omnia Prosecutors’ Association details the negative consequences of the changes in the prosecutorial service implemented by the Law and Justice government in Poland. It also reveals a number of pathological situations related mainly to personnel policy.
Czech Minister of Education Resigns
Czech Minister of Education Resigns
According to the portal czechposition.com (http://www.ceskapozice.cz) Josef Dobeš,  former Minister of Education, resigned from his position. Officially the resignation followed decision to cut down on the Ministry of Education’s budget, which would mean according to the former Minister “unacceptable cut in teachers’ salaries”. Czech media, however, speculate that financial cuts at the Ministry were just […]