editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

European Union

Political Mainstream Nationalized
Politics, Society
Political Mainstream Nationalized
Nowadays, caring only about national interests, sovereignty of the one and only Homeland, hostility towards other nations, all become the defining features of a “European” attitude. This is also why xenophobia comes into the light, encouraging many people of a similar mono-ethnicly or mono-ethnic mindset to do the same.
Paris & Brussels: Oh, That!
Politics, Society
Paris & Brussels: Oh, That!
The sigh in the title refers to my experiences from my trip to Brussels back in March and to Paris in April. More specifically it takes me back to a Paris restaurant, Paris streets and to Brussels meeting rooms. Even though they took place in different environment, they are a perfect display of the current state of Europe.
Is Europe a Good Place for Doing Business?
Is Europe a Good Place for Doing Business?
If the needs of economy are long ignored, the ability to create resources necessary for maintaining or even improving our standards of living will be lost. The politicians – whether the ones in Slovakia, in foreign countries or in institutions of EU – should finally acknowledge several basic priorities vital for business.
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
Policy Papers
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
This paper firstly briefly provides a political perspective on the FDIs flow within the debate in the UK and consequently discusses the difference between FDIs and trade exchange. After setting the goals and methodology, a summary of the main findings reflecting the data available in the chart attached follows.
Why Protest Technology?
Why Protest Technology?
Fast forward to the 21st century Europe. Taxi drivers are the ones who are threatened by new technologies. A simple mobile app made them share the market with a whole lot of new drivers. And let’s be fair – nobody likes sharing a market with new competitors.