editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

European Union

Minimum Wage: Busting the Myth
Policy Papers
Minimum Wage: Busting the Myth
We have the pleasure the present you one of the series of our policy papers that we will be publishing in the near future. The publication discusses the impact of minimum wage on the economy of six Eastern European countries. Enjoy your reading!
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Lithuanian)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Lithuanian)
Mes, toliau pasirašę keturiolika viešosios politikos analizės centrų ir 4Liberty tinklo narių iš aštuonių Rytų ir Vidurio Europos šalių, raginame Europos Parlamentą, Europos Tarybą, Europos Komisiją ir ES valstybių narių parlamentus grįsti savo sprendimus tik tyrimų išvadomis ir ekonominiais duomenimis bei pritarti TTIP susitarimui ir jos elementams, įskaitant susitarimą dėl investuotojų ir valstybių ginčų sprendimo.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovene)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovene)
Štirinajst spodaj podpisanih think tankov iz osmih srednjeevropskih in vzhodnoevropskih držav članic EU, ki smo člani mreže 4Liberty, pozivamo Evropsko komisijo, Evropski parlament, Evropski svet in nacionalne parlamente, da v skladu z raziskavami in ekonomskimi dokazi podprejo TTIP v vseh svojih elementih, vključno z ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Czech)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Czech)
My, 14 signatářských think tanků a organizací ze 8 členských států EU sdružených v síti 4liberty.eu, apelujeme na Evropskou komisi, Evropský parlament a národní parlamenty, aby se rozhodovaly na základě závěrů poctivého ekonomického výzkumu a aby přijaly TTIP a jeho součásti, včetně ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovak)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovak)
My, 14 signatárskych think tankov a organizácií zo 8 členských krajín EÚ združených v sieti 4liberty.eu, apelujeme na Európsku komisiu, Európsky parlament a národné parlamenty, aby sa rozhodovali na základe záverov poctivého ekonomického výskumu a aby prijali TTIP a jej súčasti, vrátane ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Hungarian)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Hungarian)
Mi, nyolc közép- és kelet-európai tagállam tizennégy „think tank“-je, a 4liberty hálózat tagjaiként arra bíztatjuk az Európai Bizottságot, az Európai Tanácsot, az Európai Parlamentet és az EU tagállamainak nemzeti parlamentjeit, hogy döntésüket alapos, kutatásokra alapozott gazdasági bizonyítékokra alapozzák, és hogy támogassák a TTIP-et és az elemeit, beleértve az ISDS-t.
Cash for Ukrainian Reforms
Cash for Ukrainian Reforms
In March, Ukraine’s government adopted the Action plan for reforms in 2015 and 2016 while the IMF board approved four-year USD 17.5 bn extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). The EFF supports ambitious program of Ukrainian authorities, which would in IMF words ‘put the economy on the path to recovery, restore external sustainability, strengthen public finances, and support economic growth by advancing structural and governance reforms, while protecting the most vulnerable’.
Greece Has Not Done Its Homework
Greece Has Not Done Its Homework
The Greeks do not understand the imperative need for the reforms. Nor are they ready to reform. With the external pressure of the EU and other international institutions being the only reason to institute reforms, it is hard to expect any breakthrough. And this is the key problem.
Is Europe’s Googlephobia Justified?
Is Europe’s Googlephobia Justified?
Google has been targeted by the European Commission. The IT giant has been accused of prioritizing its price comparison services in search engines. To illustrate, when comparing prices from two dealers, Google Shopping comes out on the screen. Formally, one can of course justify an investigation as a potential abuse of the dominant position by Google, but what is the real cause?