editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


From Swamp to Top of the World
Economy, Politics
From Swamp to Top of the World
The story of Singapore does not match the usual idea of combining democracy and the market economy. While in the developed countries of the West, democracy has been threatening the functioning of the market economy, Singapore and its authoritarian regime has maintained the status of the easiest country to do business in.
Polish Parliamentary Elections Are Coming: Welcome to Hell
Polish Parliamentary Elections Are Coming: Welcome to Hell
Welcome to Poland, where special higher taxes are imposed on the rich, where the welfare money is sloshed around, where convenient privileges are granted to anyone supporting PiS, where only national and Catholic media rule, where uniformed services are given special treatment, and where the spirit of People’s Republic of Poland (PRL) is resuscitated!
#4discussion: Minimum Wage and Welfare State
#4discussion: Minimum Wage and Welfare State
We are delighted to present you the second #4discussion, devoted to the topic of minimum wage and the welfare state. See what do Elina Lepomäki, Professor Tim Evans, Barbara Nowacka, and Richard Durana have to say on the topic and feel free to comment on that!
“Mad Max” Economy
“Mad Max” Economy
Human reason is probably the only resource worth caring for – it should not fall into the hands of bureaucracy and robbers. The first scenario would make it ineffective due to unreasonable rules and restrictions, while the latter would not allow the deserving to reap the fruits of their labour.
“Syrizophrenia”: Greek Dream of Better Life
“Syrizophrenia”: Greek Dream of Better Life
“An experiment of austerity” and “blackmailing” are just a few of the many fanciful epithets employed by the members of SYRIZA and socialists to create a “syrizophrenic” picture of what is going on. However, the true reasons of and solutions for the crisis have already been known for a long time.
Hayek Faces Prosecution
Hayek Faces Prosecution
On July 30, the British magazine \"The New Statesman\" published an article by the famous philosopher John Gray on the life, intellectual achievements, and mistakes of Friedrich Hayek. Gray’s piece examines the Austrian’s economic and political views. It is almost as if Gray puts Hayek on trial, the verdict of which has already been decided upon.