editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


“The Taming of the Fiscal Shrew”
“The Taming of the Fiscal Shrew”
On March 2, EU-25 leaders signed the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, commonly called the Fiscal Compact. The Treaty was not signed by the Czech Republic and Great Britain. Lithuania joined the treaty, but it still needs to be ratified by the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas). Not being a […]
Fiat Euro! 14/2012
Fiat Euro! 14/2012
Europe promised even more money which it doesn’t have, Spain promises painful cuts, Slovakia higher taxes. Euro Bill keeps increasing, we will pray for its rescue and just 11-year-old Dutch children want to expropriate Greeks.  We will start this week rather gloomily. On Wednesday morning an older man, former pharmacist  Dimitris Christoulas, committed suicide by […]
Bulgarian Tax Freedom Day 2012
Bulgarian Tax Freedom Day 2012
20 April 2012 is the day when Bulgarians, figuratively speaking, stop working for the government and start working for themselves. This day is called Tax Freedom Day. In 2012 Bulgarians will need to work nearly four months only to pay their taxes and fees to the Government, thus reaching the budget’s revenue target for the […]
Four Myths of Rising the State Pension Age in Poland
Four Myths of Rising the State Pension Age in Poland
Polish government began public consultation on the rise of the state pension age in February. It provoked a national debate about how long the Polish will work. There are numerous arguments for and against the reform. Some of them are just and other are demagogic. We should select them and consider issues which are important […]
Austrian School Three Times Right
Austrian School Three Times Right
It is good that an agreement concerning law regulating fiscal responsibilities is reached in our Parliament, involving whole political spectrum. It is great to put down the fire with common effort. It would be even better, however, if we agreed on reasons of this long fire of debt, who and how caused it. And one […]
Bulgaria Needs Stricter Fiscal Rules
Bulgaria Needs Stricter Fiscal Rules
There have been talks, for a few months now, about introducing new and stricter fiscal rules in European Union (EU) member-states, which would help reduce the fast piling up of public debt. During the last week of January there was, at last, a public debate about the position of Bulgaria on this issue. The debate […]