editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Fighting Back against Populist Scaremongering on Immigration and Gender
Fighting Back against Populist Scaremongering on Immigration and Gender
Populist parties raise important questions but offer terrible answers, a weakness others should exploit. Populism is by no means a new phenomenon, but recent years have seen a clear rise in parties turning to a more authoritarian, populist strategy of winning over voters. Now, the populist movement has managed to establish a strong position in Europe, and although its popularity is not currently rising, it is not diminishing either.
‘Immigration’ Challenge
‘Immigration’ Challenge
The information biases lead to creating a picture of Muslim migrants as homogeneous crowd of Islamists. Even if experts recognize that not all migrants are extremists, it is often emphasised that terrorists fighting in favour of the Islamic State might be among them.
Hungarian Mishaps and Other Misfortunes
Politics, Society
Hungarian Mishaps and Other Misfortunes
Hungarian government started building a fence on the border with Serbia to ward the immigrants off. The construction, stretching over 170 kilometers, is not in any way a solution to the problem of immigration. All that the fence will do is manifest Hungary’s separation from Europe.