editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Web of Innovation: From Railways to Routers – Journey through Connectivity
The Web of Innovation: From Railways to Routers – Journey through Connectivity
Connectivity has undeniably simplified life for people worldwide. However, the remarkable mechanisms behind this connectivity often go unnoticed as we simply enjoy its fruits. When talking to friends and family most do not know how exactly the Internet works. A study conducted in the US confirms this: 80% of respondents cannot explain how we get the Internet. It comes from the Wi-Fi, doesn\'t it?
Five Innovations for Future
Five Innovations for Future
The list of transformative innovations is virtually endless. But five technologies in particular could profoundly influence our society, our economy, and our fight against climate change in the coming years and decades. Autonomous vehicles will fundamentally change the way we get around. The blockchain will revolutionize business. Rapid charging stations will help electric vehicles achieve a breakthrough.
James Bond: No Time to Make Sense
James Bond: No Time to Make Sense
The final instalment of Daniel Craig’s James Bond is finally in the cinemas but I had no high hopes for it given the plot-hole riddled previous movies. No Time to Die added to the pile of rubbish that was Spectre. Liberals, though, can learn from its mistakes. Beware, spoilers galore!
Pandemic Lessons: 2021 Bratislava Free Market Roadshow
Think Tank News
Pandemic Lessons: 2021 Bratislava Free Market Roadshow
After many years, the last year’s organization of the traditional international conference Free Market Roadshow, which has been organized by INESS in cooperation with AEC was cancelled due to the pandemic. This year, it was brought back - into the online space - and dedicated to the topic which has been perhaps the most pertinent for the last year and for many years to come: Pandemic Lessons.