editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Romanian Jigsaw of Democracy
Romanian Jigsaw of Democracy
The governing coalition of PSD and ALDE, elected in December 2016, seems indecisive in exercising executive power. The declining voter turnout, the street protests of February, and the curious change of prime minister in June raise legitimate questions about Romania’s flawed democracy.
Challenges for Poland as a State under the Rule of Law
Challenges for Poland as a State under the Rule of Law
In January 1982, after the martial law was introduced, Professors of the Warsaw University Tomasz Dybowski, refused to shake hands with Professor Sylwester Zawadzki – the then Minister of Justice – addressing him in the following manner: “for me, you are no longer a professor”. Now, it is high time to bring such gestrures back.
Assault on Polish Constitutinal Tribunal
Assault on Polish Constitutinal Tribunal
Parliamentary sessions (both of the Sejm and the Senate) held at night. Extreme pace and we\'ve got ourselves a new act on the Constitutional Tribunal – an act to which as a pretext served, unfortunately, the previous majority appointing five and not three Constitutional Tribunal judges.
Poland: Trust No One But the Law
Poland: Trust No One But the Law
For the next couple of years Poland will continue to take the bitter pills prescribed by European institutions, such as the European Parliament (which just renewed its investigation concerning CIA rendition) or the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (supervising enforcement of the Strasbourg verdicts). This painful treatment will continue just because Polish politicians have decided to violate the Polish Constitution and international treaties 13 years ago.
Greece: Setting the Youth Agenda for 2021
Economy, Politics
Greece: Setting the Youth Agenda for 2021
We, a large group of liberal-minded and committed young Greeks, met here in Thessaloniki, on 26-27 September 2014, in order to adopt a resolution that responds to the most urgent problems of our generation. We want our voice to be heard. And we want our calls for action set forth hereunder to be taken seriously.