editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Economic Analysis of Digital Markets Act
Publications, Think Tank News
Economic Analysis of Digital Markets Act
The European Commission has presented a proposal for The Digital Markets Act (DMA). Its goal is to create fair and competitive digital markets in the EU. It aims to achieve this by introducing new ex ante regulations that will automatically apply to so-called \"gatekeepers\". The gatekeepers are to be large internet platforms that meet selected size criteria.
LFMI Is Sharing Factors of Success about Award Winning <i>Economics in 31 Hours</i> Textbook
Think Tank News
LFMI Is Sharing Factors of Success about Award Winning Economics in 31 Hours Textbook
The OECD claims that financial literacy is a significant skill in participating in modern society. Pupils should be improving their financial knowledge as early as possible to become active agents of their abilities to plan simple finances. Kids should learn how to plan their spendings and savings and how to build responsible financial behavior.
LFMI Holds 3rd National Economics Exam
Think Tank News
LFMI Holds 3rd National Economics Exam
Quarantine increases people\'s desire to study and learn. On March 25th the third national economics exam, organized by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, attracted a record number of participants (10,963). The motto of this year’s exam was “There is a human being being every number.”