editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Liberalism Failed COVID Test
Liberalism Failed COVID Test
Liberalism is based upon the premise that individuals are to be trusted, that they know best what is in their interests, that laws, regulations and rules are superseded by the freedom of an individual, and the legislator intervenes only when absolutely necessary. Why then do we still not return to this notion after more than a year after the COVID restrictions started in earnest?
Challenges Waiting for Tusk
Challenges Waiting for Tusk
When no one was waiting, Tusk decided to return. What challenges will Tusk encounter? Poland has changed a lot during his absence. Much more than one might think judging by press reports or occasional meetings with supporters. Tusk\'s former comrades refuse to acknowledge this. If Tusk becomes a hostage of their phobias and expectations, he will be doomed to failure.
Liberal Housing Policy Matters Even More Since COVID-19
Liberal Housing Policy Matters Even More Since COVID-19
So far, the COVID-19 pandemic has had little effect on the German housing market. It has left barely a mark on real estate prices or rentals. But the pandemic is not over yet, and even if it was: the past months have triggered some developments that will transform our working world and are likely to have a considerable impact on the housing market in the long term.
Undefinable Rule of Law
Undefinable Rule of Law
Certain Western European politicians think that in Hungary and Poland the rule of law has been damaged to a degree that is not compatible with the values of the EU. Meanwhile, the politicians of the criticized countries argue that the rule of law can differ between countries and is hard to define.
Liberal Voters in Hungary and in Region [EVENT]
Think Tank News
Liberal Voters in Hungary and in Region [EVENT]
The Republikon Institute, supported by the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit, is organizing a conference to discuss the state of liberal voters in the CEE region. In the first panel discussion, experts from the V4 countries will present the results of their latest research on the state of liberalism and liberal voters in their […]