editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Idea of Liberal Social Policy
So how do we imagine the liberal vision of equal opportunities policy in Poland? For sure, it should provide the opportunities to develop regardless of external circumstances such as descent, parents’ income, place of birth, race, sex and so forth.
Liberte! Released a New Issue of the Magazine
Publications, Think Tank News
Liberte! Released a New Issue of the Magazine
Liberte! has a pleasure to inform that it the 11th issue of the magazine has just been released. It is devoted to the interwar period in Poland and includes articles concerning online casino politics, economy, social and cultural life of that period. Apart from the regular authors of Liberte! in this issue the interview with […]
4liberty.eu Think Tank Meeting and ELF Think Tank School Held in Vilnius
Think Tank News
4liberty.eu Think Tank Meeting and ELF Think Tank School Held in Vilnius
Regular 4liberty.eu Think Tank meeting was hosted in Vilnius (Lithuania) on April 3-4, 2012. Representatives of 10 think tanks participated in the meeting to discuss joint projects and recent developments in their institutes – The Lithuanian Free Market Institute, Republikon Institute (Hungary), FOR (Poland), Projekt Polska (Poland), Liberte! (Poland), Institute for Economic and Social Studies […]
"What kind of social policy?" – conference, April 19, Liberte!, Łódź
Think Tank News
"What kind of social policy?" – conference, April 19, Liberte!, Łódź
Liberte! invites to “What kind of social policy?“ (conference) WHEN Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 10 a.m. WHERE City Council Piotrkowska 104 Łódź, Poland Programme: 10.00-10.30 Opening remarks Hanna Zdanowska – President of Łódź (tbc) Marek Cieślak – Vice-President of Łódź Kaja Zapędowska-Kling, Błażej Lenkowski – Liberté! 10.30-12.30 Local panel: “Łódź – a city of […]