editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Lithuania to Forge Ahead in Doing Business Rankings
Lithuania to Forge Ahead in Doing Business Rankings
Ranked 20th in the 2016 World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index, Lithuania has outstripped its closest neighbours Latvia and Poland. Yet, possibilities of forging ahead as one of the most business-friendly economies are not fully exhausted.
Discussion on Authoritarian Populism in Europe 
Think Tank News
Discussion on Authoritarian Populism in Europe 
On September 15, 2016 the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) in partnership with Timbro and  the Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences of Vilnius University will hold a discussion “Authoritarian Populism in Europe: The Resurgence of Parties and Ideologies”. 
How to Pluck the Fruits of the Sharing Economy?
How to Pluck the Fruits of the Sharing Economy?
France is facing yet another challenge. The European Commission clearly stated that a restrictive regulatory approach that they have implemented must be avoided. A difficult road is ahead for the French government as it will have to admit that the country’s licensing practices are laughably outdated and have to be removed.
Government’s Invincible Routine
Government’s Invincible Routine
A multitude of research shows that the shadow economy in Lithuania is decreasing. Yet, the pace of change is not as fast as desired. The level of the shadow economy remains high and there are still plenty of reasons for this kind of economic activity to emerge.
Flat Tax and Income Inequality
Flat Tax and Income Inequality
Piketty’s publication has reignited the debate over taxation. Proponents of higher taxation seized the opportunity to increase taxes. Even some countries of Central Eastern Europe, a region that has traditionally prided itself on flat taxes, have faltered.