editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


2017 Will Go Down Easy
2017 Will Go Down Easy
And that\'s how Law and Justice will put the safety of our country on the plater and place it in the hands of Rex Tillerson, for whom keeping Warsaw in the American sphere of influence lost any appeal along with the failure of shale gas extraction on our territory. And Tillerson will pass the plater on to his friends in the East.
Does Poland Need the Left Wing?
Politics, Society
Does Poland Need the Left Wing?
It is not true that we face a drastic crisis of liberal movements – it is the alternative to these organizations that has changed radically as a result of a deep structural crisis of the left wing. To put it plainly and oversimplifying a little, the democratic struggle in the Western world takes place between the “liberal” and “non-liberal” camps.
Make the EU Great Again!
Politics, Society
Make the EU Great Again!
Many people may believe that there is no point in being in a hurry since we cannot predict what President Trump will actually do – maybe after all he is not a madman and his actions so far were just a means of conducting a successful campaign. But what if it wasn\'t and what if he actualy does implement everything he promised?
World Is Not Divided Into Men and Women
World Is Not Divided Into Men and Women
Let us not divide the world into either black or white, male or female. Polish parliament is not made up only out of men, the law instating ban on abortion is not only about gagging women. It is first and foremost aimed at limiting the rights of the entire civic society, it concerns and affects not only women but all of us.
Wake Up and Be Great, Necessity Calls!
Politics, Society
Wake Up and Be Great, Necessity Calls!
I don\'t care about politics, you say. My dear peer, my reply to this statement is always the same: if you do not care about politics, it means that you do not care about your money as either. When a politician indebts our state, we are indebted as well. Our children too. They will pay for your indifference.