editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Polish Public Debt Continues to Grow
Polish Public Debt Continues to Grow
Mateusz Morawiecki, during the recent press conference \"Stable public finances in unstable times\", bragged that under the rule of PiS’ government \"the [public] debt in relation to GDP will fall\" and it will be the case \"despite gigantic expenses during the pandemic, despite huge expenses on the anti-inflation shield.\" He stressed that \"there are no catches here, there are no special operations.\"
First Low Inflation, Then Cheap Loans
First Low Inflation, Then Cheap Loans
The ongoing election campaign has become an opportunity for political parties to present populist solutions to problems that are not always real. One theme are the seemingly high mortgage rates. In reality, however, rates are much lower than the current and projected increase in prices and wages, which means that the burden on debtors would decrease even if they would not pay their instalments and the interest would increase their debt.
Capital Has No Nationality – It Needs Stability and Openness
Capital Has No Nationality – It Needs Stability and Openness
An entrepreneurial state is one that is law-abiding, free and open. Not one that makes its presence felt in every sphere of life. Ignorance, archaic worldview conservatism, combined with years of legislative neglect by Polish politicians in the economy have made us an unpredictable business partner. Nevertheless, the upcoming elections are about more than just the economy – writes Jerzy Czubak, a Polish entrepreneur who has lived in Switzerland for more than 20 years.
Stakes of Game and Diversion Strategy
Stakes of Game and Diversion Strategy
On Friday, May 26, in the Sejm there was the passing and the signing of a bill to establish a commission on Russian influence by Andrzej Duda. This development marks a concerning step towards the establishment of an undemocratic state in Poland, where the principles of the rule of law are disregarded. The Commission, lacking any appeal standards, provides a platform for politicians from one party to potentially eliminate their opposition counterparts from the political arena.
Free Elections in Poland at Stake
Free Elections in Poland at Stake
Under the pretext of investigating the Russia\'s influence in Poland, the newly formed polish parliamentary commission has been granted the authority to silence the opposition and impose a ban on individuals holding public positions for up to 10 years. In the light of the upcoming fall parliamentary elections, this tool strikes at those seeking to run in the elections or get appointed.
Elections in Poland 2023: It Is Time for Business Community Voice
Elections in Poland 2023: It Is Time for Business Community Voice
Entrepreneurs, do not be passive. There are many ways to get involved today on the right side. Think about the future of Poland, where you would like to further develop your business projects, invest, and create jobs, and what kind of Poland you, your children or grandchildren will live well in. More than 2 million people run a business in Poland. Entrepreneurs are a large social group – there are four times more of us than teachers and almost thirty times more than miners.
Will the 800+ Program Help Win Next Election in Poland?
Will the 800+ Program Help Win Next Election in Poland?
In 2015, the right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party won the elections, promising a significant new social support program. In March 2016, with a majority in the parliament, PiS introduced the \"Family 500+\" program, which provided an additional payment of PLN 500 per child per month. Initially, the program was for a second and subsequent child in a family, but later it was extended to include the first child as well.
Rocket Science, or Latest Performance of Polish National Defense
Rocket Science, or Latest Performance of Polish National Defense
Throughout recent days, public discourse in Poland has been dominated by multiple instances of violations of the Polish airspace. Balloons crossing the Polish-Belarussian border, drones disturbing passenger planes approaching their airports and a Russian missile, discovered in a forest 250 kilometers from the nearest frontier are just few examples of what appeared in the latest news.