editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ukraine 2015: Recovering From the Perfect Storm
Ukraine 2015: Recovering From the Perfect Storm
2015 was a year of many wins and losses for Ukraine. In the first half of the year, Ukraine faced a near-perfect storm of escalating military conflict, falling commodity prices and political instability. As a result already low export revenues went even further down and foreign currency reserves dropped to 5 billion dollars.
Excise Duties on Alcohol in the EU
Excise Duties on Alcohol in the EU
To better understand the need for a change in policy, this article first provides a brief overview of the current legislation and its implementation in member states and then looks at how current proposals for new minimum rates were formed. Finally, it evaluates whether increasing taxes on alcohol is the best course of action.
The World Is Upside Down, Interest Rates Are Negative
The World Is Upside Down, Interest Rates Are Negative
We can find examples of negative interest rates in countries throughout history. But these are geographically or time-isolated cases. However, today we live in a world where more and more things are turning upside down. And one of such things is the fact that negative interest rates are shifting from a deviation to a norm (for the time being only within the financial system).
INESS' Position on Quantitative Easing in Eurozone
INESS' Position on Quantitative Easing in Eurozone
Competitiveness of Europe is lagging, pension systems keep ignoring the demographic trend, relative price of energy for industrial consumers is growing, there are popular jokes about labor markets in France or Italy, starting a business and tax compliance is still extremely demanding tasks in many of the member countries.
Regulation and Use of GMOs in Ukraine: Neither Forbidden, Nor Allowed
Regulation and Use of GMOs in Ukraine: Neither Forbidden, Nor Allowed
Application of genetic engineering technology is strictly regulated in the EU. GMO as well as food or feed containing GMO is subject to a comprehensive authorisation procedure which involves risks assessment to human health and the environment, before the company is allowed to place GMO on the market. But how does it work in Ukraine?