editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Pressing Need for Energy Union
REVIEW, Review #2
The Pressing Need for Energy Union
While creating the Energy Union, the EU should do its best to employ such mechanisms that would limit the regulatory power over the prices of sources and energy of individual states on the national level as much as possible. Such a solution applied to this specific market would – at least to some extent – secure a proper space for market principles and energy prices reflecting incomes of the citizens of a respective state.
What Has Happened with Georgian Lari?
What Has Happened with Georgian Lari?
I don\'t believe that we need central banking, monetary policy or our national monetary unit. Without this, we can\'t avoid two essential problems – politicization of the monetary politics and also its competitiveness. But by saying this I do not wish to imply that in this particular case of devaluation of the lari the central banking system was the major problem. Quite the opposite.
The Price of Principles
The Price of Principles
Orbán is interested only in cash, not in values. His disregard for values or (to make it sound more proudly) for ethos of Western democracy continues for years and is expressed in many constitutional reforms or a positive evaluation of the model of the political system of modern China. He therefore easily avoids the topic of Ukraine\'s right to sovereignty, self-reliance in international politics and territorial integrity.
The 8th Europe-Ukraine Forum Has Come to an End
Think Tank News
The 8th Europe-Ukraine Forum Has Come to an End
The conference organised by Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies on February 15-17 in Łódź gathered in Poland many distinguished individuals, including politicians, journalists, think tankers and many others, who were seeking the possible ways of helping Ukraine develop in the midst of the on-going conflict with Russia. Liberté! was media partner of the event.
The Ukrainian Crisis of European Abilities
The Ukrainian Crisis of European Abilities
What will happen if there accidentally will be a change of government in Russia under the pressure of economic sanctions? This would be a success for European Union, but at the same time it would not solve the fact that Russian propaganda of nationalism has build anticipation in Russian society that a new leader will have to face, having in mind his own reputation.