editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Effects of Tobacco Taxation
Effects of Tobacco Taxation
Taxation of tobacco products raises severe economic and social concerns which should be taken into account when formulating further tobacco taxation policies, including on novel tobacco products. Increased education rather than higher excise duties should be the main policy.
The Magic of Networking
The Magic of Networking
One of the perks of attending an elite school, be it Eton, Oxford, Cambridge or the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not only the high quality education, but the network of friends one can build. Indeed, in Hogwarts, Harry Potter found friends, which was much more important than the spells he learned.
Poland of My Dreams
Poland of My Dreams
Poland cannot allow to have its law go downhill nor to have sect-like religious behaviors promoted. The former puts paid to the accomplishments of the Polish Round Table Talks of 1989. The latter, on the other hand, disgraces the sheer idea of religion.
LGBT Rights in Poland Are Not a Red Herring
LGBT Rights in Poland Are Not a Red Herring
The debate on LGBT rights in Poland is not a red herring. It is a question of whether gays and lesbians have the same human rights as the rest of Polish society. It\'s the question that demands an answer from liberal parties – tells Liberte! Renata Kim, a Newsweek Polska editor.