editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Protectionism as New Pandemic
Protectionism as New Pandemic
Of course, everyone would be delighted if the supermarkets were full of quality Slovak fruit, vegetables, meat, and other products. However, this ideal cannot be achieved by a policy of self-sufficiency, but by a policy of cooperation.
State and Citizen: To Serve or to Rule?
State and Citizen: To Serve or to Rule?
‘To serve or to rule?’ – this is a dilemma we face as we reflect on the fundamental principles of “the scope of powers [of the state] shall be limited by the Constitution” and “state institutions shall serve the people” on the occasion of the Constitution Day.
How Much Does Slovak Family Receive in Benefits?
How Much Does Slovak Family Receive in Benefits?
In Slovakia, non-monetary transfers are often forgotten due to the contributions system – this is set up so that only self-employed know, with exaggeration, how expensive it is. Most employees have no idea that the employer pays an additional 35% to their gross wage.
Evaluating 500+ Program in Poland
Evaluating 500+ Program in Poland
The introduction of the controversial 500+ program in Poland has so far resulted in no increase in fertility rate. Noteworthy, 12% of the program budget would be sufficient to eliminate extreme child poverty. Meanwhile, 100,000 women were pushed out of the labor market.