editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Business Taxation in Baltic States: Sibling Rivalry
Business Taxation in Baltic States: Sibling Rivalry
The competitiveness of a country’s tax system is instrumental in creating a favorable environment for foreign direct investment, stimulating business, and advancing societal well-being. Competition based on endogenous factors should not be perceived as unjust or unnatural.
Effects of Tobacco Taxation
Effects of Tobacco Taxation
Taxation of tobacco products raises severe economic and social concerns which should be taken into account when formulating further tobacco taxation policies, including on novel tobacco products. Increased education rather than higher excise duties should be the main policy.
Death and Polish Taxes
Death and Polish Taxes
The current legal system governing the interface between business and state administration is far too complicated, and interpretation of the law often depends on individual decisions of the tax authorities and courts. In order to function in this thicket of regulations, highly paid advisors are needed.