editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Despite Challenges, Incomes in Estonia Are Rising
Despite Challenges, Incomes in Estonia Are Rising
The Estonian economy is showing green shoots of recovery again, and people\'s real purchasing power has risen since June of last year. These are the words of the Minister of Economic Affairs and IT Erkki Keldo . He also added that wages have also been outpacing inflation. Speaking to \"Esimene stuudio,\" Keldo noted that people\'s real purchasing power has been increasing since June of last year.
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
The current process of negotiating salary increases for public servants should also be seen in the context of international comparisons. Slovakia spends the most on salaries in the whole V4, not only as a share of total public administration expenditure but also as a share of GDP. In these comparisons, Slovakia spends more than the EU average.
Four-Day Working Week Is Already in Use for Some Slovaks
Four-Day Working Week Is Already in Use for Some Slovaks
We all want higher wages for less work. This explains why the four-day working week is such a popular topic in the media. But it is even less of a justification for the emotions that run high when the subject is discussed. These, in turn, prevent rational argumentation and consideration of all the problems with this popular proposal.
Let Politicians Pay for Consequences of Their Economic Policies
Let Politicians Pay for Consequences of Their Economic Policies
In the current situation of high inflation and large budget deficits, salary increases for politicians and central bankers alike are rightly criticised. While, because of the poor economic situation, the wages of most citizens are falling in real terms due to inflation, these high-ranking civil servants are not feeling any of the pinch.
Minimum Wage, Maximum Tragedy
Minimum Wage, Maximum Tragedy
If we want to start talking about next year\'s minimum wage increase, we first need to look to the past. As we all know, 2020 was the year of the pandemic, and that brought with it, among other things, a significant downturn in the economy, and with it a fall in labor productivity. The private sector responded logically by reducing the growth in average wages. But not all businesses had this option.