editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Through My Fault, Through My Fault, Always Through My Fault
Through My Fault, Through My Fault, Always Through My Fault
War is male. Men decide on war, men manage war, men plan, conduct, and end wars. Men declare peace. In the world of war, a woman is an addition, a not very useful element, getting in the way, complicating things, getting emotional, crying, longing, being weak, being unnecessary, undermining the point of this masculine clash.
Women Will Be Heard
Women Will Be Heard
Women in Poland are now more than ever at the heart of public attention. The closer we get to the election date, the more political declarations affecting women’s lives we hear. With numerous research studies proving that women\'s participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland will be politically decisive, the number of offers from party leaders is rising on a daily basis.
Vision of Female Solidarity
Vision of Female Solidarity
I can imagine left-wing female councilors being able to work with nuns at a community center. Difficult times require extraordinary actions and searching for compromises. I am a huge fan of the slogan \"Girls, don\'t be so b….. to each other\".
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Lockdowns and other restrictive measures to keep people in their homes and prevent socializing with others were introduced. But what if home is not a safe place? What if being locked down with a member of your family or a partner is the very definition of being unsafe and at risk of physical injury or psychological abuse?
Future Must Be Female
Future Must Be Female
In cultural anthropology, among many typologies of social cultures, there is also a division into masculine and feminine cultures. This division results from the difference in characteristics attributed to men and women. The basic difference arises from biology, which determines the role of women and men in the process of procreation.
Whom Will Represent Next Polish Ombudsman?
Whom Will Represent Next Polish Ombudsman?
Legally, the performance of Adam Bodnar\'s duties after the end of his term of office remains constitutional, while in the legal fiction of the Law and Justice (PiS) party, it will probably be enforced to deprive him of the tools to perform them. Polish women and Poles will be left without an ombudsman.