editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Side Effects of Lockdowns
Side Effects of Lockdowns
An exasperated call from a friend of mine during lockdown described the weary situation of kids during COVID-19. My friend\'s child, as he told me fumingly, is attending his elementary school classes online. As expected, it didn’t go smoothly.
LFMI Is Sharing Factors of Success about Award Winning <i>Economics in 31 Hours</i> Textbook
Think Tank News
LFMI Is Sharing Factors of Success about Award Winning Economics in 31 Hours Textbook
The OECD claims that financial literacy is a significant skill in participating in modern society. Pupils should be improving their financial knowledge as early as possible to become active agents of their abilities to plan simple finances. Kids should learn how to plan their spendings and savings and how to build responsible financial behavior.
State of Media in Visegrad Countries
Publications, Think Tank News
State of Media in Visegrad Countries
Free press and freedom of speech are among democracy’s essential prerequisites; however, they should not be taken for granted. Published by the Republikon Institute, with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, The State of the Media in the Visegrád Countries provides a detailed insight into the media status in Central Europe.