editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Millions for Self, a Bill for the Taxpayer
Millions for Self, a Bill for the Taxpayer
Public tenders are beneficial to the taxpayers who actually pay for them. According to the Public Procurement Office of Lithuania, in 2015, over 300 million euro were spent without a competitive procurement procedure. This means that taxpayers have most likely overpaid in the majority of cases.
Book Review: Anxious Politics
Politics, Society
Book Review: Anxious Politics
By bridging the gaps between academia and policy, the authors have developed a book that is both highly insightful and relevant in practice. The somewhat academic text is an amalgamation of literary interpretations, structured experiments, in-depth analysis and informed opinions.
From Pay Gap to Gendered Expectations in Hungary
From Pay Gap to Gendered Expectations in Hungary
The extremely low, 10%-level of female MPs in the Hungarian parliament, and the lack of inequality issues in the political agenda makes it quite relevant to try better know and understand the problems concerning men and women in Hungary as perceived by the voters and the possible social-demographic factors behind them.
The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and Islamophobia
Politics, Society
The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and Islamophobia
In the face of Europe\'s biggest so called ‘refugee crisis’ since WWII, many right wing and centrist politicians are using Islamophobia as a way to leverage policy-making in the West, to the detriment of human rights. The so called ‘refugee crisis’ reflects a crisis within Europe.