editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Economic Freedom Foundation

ABOUT Economic Freedom Foundation
The Economic Freedom Foundation strives to make Poland a prosperous and open country where people enjoy a high level of economic freedom and other individual liberties.
Life and Politics of the “Iron Lady”
Think Tank News
Life and Politics of the “Iron Lady”
One of the most important female politicians of the 20th century. Britain\'s first female prime minister, who initiated liberal economic changes and led the country through turbulent times of transition. The fascinating story of Margaret Thatcher\'s life in a 3-volume authorized biography is now available in Polish version, published with the support of the Economic Freedom Foundation.
Business Versus Politics
Business Versus Politics
It is difficult to do business with a country whose politicians are detached from reality and do not understand today\'s world because they are afraid of it, says Arkadiusz Mus, founder of Press Glass, No. 9 on Forbes magazine\'s list of 100 richest Poles and owner of assets worth more than PLN 4.5 billion, about Poland under the rule of Law and Justice (PiS).
Capital Has No Nationality – It Needs Stability and Openness
Capital Has No Nationality – It Needs Stability and Openness
An entrepreneurial state is one that is law-abiding, free and open. Not one that makes its presence felt in every sphere of life. Ignorance, archaic worldview conservatism, combined with years of legislative neglect by Polish politicians in the economy have made us an unpredictable business partner. Nevertheless, the upcoming elections are about more than just the economy – writes Jerzy Czubak, a Polish entrepreneur who has lived in Switzerland for more than 20 years.
Elections in Poland 2023: It Is Time for Business Community Voice
Elections in Poland 2023: It Is Time for Business Community Voice
Entrepreneurs, do not be passive. There are many ways to get involved today on the right side. Think about the future of Poland, where you would like to further develop your business projects, invest, and create jobs, and what kind of Poland you, your children or grandchildren will live well in. More than 2 million people run a business in Poland. Entrepreneurs are a large social group – there are four times more of us than teachers and almost thirty times more than miners.
Poland’s Road to Euro: Economic Freedom Foundation Takes Matters into Its Own Hands
Poland’s Road to Euro: Economic Freedom Foundation Takes Matters into Its Own Hands
\"Road to Euro\" is a Polish nationwide campaign kicked off in mid-2022 and run by the Economic Freedom Foundation. The campaign\'s main purpose is therefore to start an intensive debate on Poland\'s accession to the eurozone, inform about the benefits of adopting the common currency, as well as prepare recommendations for necessary reforms and initiate the process of joining the eurozone.