editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


LFMI Launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018
Think Tank News
LFMI Launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018
LFMI launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018 for the EU and OECD. The index is based on the World Bank’s Doing Business data on labor market regulation and covers a set of indicators on hiring, working hours, redundancy rules, and redundancy costs.
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The current social pillars are divisive, but the divide is not across the “East-West” lines or even the “liberal-socialist” lines; rather, it goes along the “reality-delusion” lines. Sadly, the proposed social pillars will not make delusional politicians to accept reality
Economics in 31 Hours to Spread Across the Region
Think Tank News
Economics in 31 Hours to Spread Across the Region
Published in 2015 by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, the economics textbook Economics in 31 Hours has transformed the way of teaching and learning economics in Lithuania. Already in its fifth edition, the textbook has reached over 53 thousand students in 463 secondary schools and nearly 500 teachers.
Liberalism and the Meaning of Life
Liberalism and the Meaning of Life
In Poland, liberalism is not very popular. Liberalism is a project that is best descibed as distanced. Every attempt to bring it closer to the people is therefore as challenging as trying to get closer to the sun. Is it therefore possibe to present liberal ideas in such a way so that Poles might stop fearing it?