editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The 2016 Free Market Road Show in Bratislava
Think Tank News
The 2016 Free Market Road Show in Bratislava
An international conference Free Market Road Show organized by INESS in cooperation with Austrian Economics Center was held in Bratislava at the Hotel Tatra on March 11, 2016. The Bratislava Free Market Road Show is a part of a unique conference tour which takes place in 45 cities of Europe and Caucasus from March to April every year.
Bright Future of the Bitcoin
Bright Future of the Bitcoin
During the past few weeks nothing really new occurred in cryptocurrency’s world. The last two weeks, however, have already brought a change. The discussion related to Mike Hearns’s exit about the future of Bitcoin lead by important developers from the community is contributing to this change.
Smer after the Election
Smer after the Election
Slovak politicians create rules for entrepreneurship as if for people living on a different planet – and that is the way it has been for many years already. It is the politics of excessive interference in economics, which inherently and often unnecessarily limits enterprise freedoms.
Customs in Ukraine: Business Wants Reforms, Government Seeks to Maximize Revenue
Customs in Ukraine: Business Wants Reforms, Government Seeks to Maximize Revenue
Businesses in Ukraine want the customs procedures to become less income-focused and instead, to be aimed at facilitating trade. As the 2015 survey of Ukrainian businesses by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting showed, changes in trade regulations and customs rules are needed to boost international trade.