editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


What Is Up with Nuclear Fusion?
What Is Up with Nuclear Fusion?
In the midst of a global energy crisis, the USA researchers have achieved a breakthrough in the area of nuclear fusion. But what does it mean? Our energy expert Maximilian Reinhardt explains why this technology could make an important contribution to solving a host of serious issues. The German energy debate is as heated as it is ever been, with the most contentious point being nuclear power.
Five Innovations for Future
Five Innovations for Future
The list of transformative innovations is virtually endless. But five technologies in particular could profoundly influence our society, our economy, and our fight against climate change in the coming years and decades. Autonomous vehicles will fundamentally change the way we get around. The blockchain will revolutionize business. Rapid charging stations will help electric vehicles achieve a breakthrough.
Can Poland Be the Next Country to Join Eurozone?
Can Poland Be the Next Country to Join Eurozone?
Poland has been a member of the European Union since 2004, but has not decided to join the monetary union yet. Have Poland benefited or lost from this decision? For the last two years, starting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish zloty, like other currencies of Central European countries, has been significantly depreciated.
Money Over Rule of Law, or Further Attempts to Reform Judiciary System in Poland
Money Over Rule of Law, or Further Attempts to Reform Judiciary System in Poland
Last year in Poland was marked by heated discussions linked with the provision of European Union Recovery Funds, which have been promised to the Polish government on condition that it successfully restores the rule of law, infringed through multiple reforms of the ruling coalition. Introduced over the last seven years, they largely touched upon the judiciary system, increasing its dependence on the legislative branch.
Conspiracy Theories, Aka Alternative Cultures
Conspiracy Theories, Aka Alternative Cultures
Special infographics explaining in detail what conspiracy theories are, how they spread and how to counteract them were published in September 2020 by UNESCO[1] - the United Nations agency responsible for education, fostering a scientific worldview and ensuring high intellectual standards. In these attractive graphic documents, we get - among other things - a condensed definition of conspiracy thinking.