Liberte! has a pleasure to inform that it the 11th issue of the magazine has just been released. It is devoted to the interwar period in Poland and includes articles concerning online casino politics, economy, social and cultural life of that period. Apart from the regular authors of Liberte! in this issue the interview with Adam Michnik can be found as well as section devoted to Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński.

The Liberal Institute of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation invites all interested to read Institute’s publications: 1. Concepts of Liberty Competition Freedom Liberalism Market Economy Responsibility 2. Occassional papers The future task of Liberalism – A political agenda Theme Report, Liberal International Congress, Pisa, September 1988, Ralf Dahrendorf, 1988 (2011) The Dutch health care system – Can the Germans go Dutch?, Marcel Canoy, 2010 American Health Care Policy Issues, Arnold Kling, 2010 Liberalism, liberal policy and…

Liberte! invites all interested to read its publications:   1. 10 issues of the magazine: Issue no. 1 First issue focused on liberal ideas in the context of ideology, democracy, European Union, capitalism and law. Authors include Witold Gadomski, Jan Winiecki, Ireneusz Krzemiński, Jan Harman, Marek Safjan and others. Issue no. 2 “Bronisław Geremek” Various authors, including Bernard Kouchner and Adam Michnik, write about Bronisław Geremek. Issue no. 3 “Crisis” Articles about crisis and strategies…

Liberalni Institute invites all interested to read Institute’s publications: Name of the book (Czech) Name of the book (English) Author(s)  Link Bohatství národů The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith Byrokracie Bureaucracy Ludwig von Mises link Cena státu Price of the State Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic Co je a co není vidět That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen Frederic Bastiat link Demokracie, anarchie a omyly ekonomie Democracy, anarchy…

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INESS (Institute of Economic and Social Studies) invites all interested to read Intitute”s publications:   INESS, Analysis of the Social System in Slovakia, 2006 INESS, Proposals for Solving the Major Drawbacks of the Slovak Social System, 2007 INESS, Healthy Profit, 2007 (Book) Juraj Karpiš, Slovak Health Care Reform – Is the Dream Over?, 2007–Is-the-Dream-Over.html Radovan Ďurana, Tax System Slovakia, 2008 p. 120 Radovan Ďurana, Can Slovakia affort an increase…

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Republikon Institute invites all interested to read Institute”s publications available in English: “From Two Thirds to Four Fifths: Increasing Fidesz-dominance in Hungarian Public Television” available here: “ROYAL TELEVISION? Government dominance and the disappearance of opposition views in the Hungarian Public Television (MTV)” available here: