editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Fundacja Industrial (Liberté!, 6. Dzielnica, 4liberty.eu)

has an honour to invite you to:

Freedom Games

June 4-8, 2014, Łódź, Poland

25th anniversary of July, 4 1989 will definitely result in many commemorative addresses and summaries. We, however, people not much older than the 3rd Republic of Poland, linked to the Liberté! magazin circle, would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the challenges we might face in the future and to make this at the same time a joyful celebration of Polish freedom. Therefore we have decided to organize Freedom Games.

This interdisciplinary event will consist of conference on international issues, concerts, sessions with cultural personalities, distinguished intellectuals and literary people It will be held on June 4-8, 2014 in Łódź – a city with troubled history which is constantly seeking its new, postindustrial identity. It is an extraordinary city, erected during the 19th century by joint efforts of Germans, Russians, Jews and Poles. Łódź is a place where the histories of the West and the East combine in a special way. The Program will be revealed step by step. Today, we have the pleasure to announce the confirmed presence of the following speakers:

  • Guy Sorman – a French intellectual, a columnist for Le Figaro and the Wall Street Journal; author of many publications, among them Economics does not lie, The Minimal State.

  • Richard Shusterman – American pragmatist philosopher, currently Professor of Philosophy at Florida Atlantic University, he was a delegate member of the UNESCO project Philosophy and Democracy in the World and for several years he directed the UNESCO project on urban culture; casino authored many books, among them: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life.

  • Robert Cooper – British diplomat, best known for his exposition of the doctrine of “new liberal imperialism”, twórca teorii „nowego liberalnego imperializmu”, advisor of Tony Blair and Catherine Ashton; an author of famous book Breaking the Nations, a member of European Council on Foreign Relations.

  • Mykoła Riabczuk – Ukrainian writer, journalist and poet, co-founder of a literary group Bu-Ba-Bu, holds a Polish-Ukrainian Capitula Award; a member of the editorial boards of Krytyka, Journal of South Eastern Europe and Wseswit.

Follow our website: www.freedomgames.eu. Further information about the event will be provided shortly.

The event will take place in 6. Dzielnica club (Piotrkowska Street 102) and Central Museum of Textiles (Piotrkowska Street 282) in Łódź.

 Participation is free of charge but registration is required. Please register on our website. Number of participants is limited.


Main partners: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, the City of Łódź, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the Book Institute.

Program partners:  6. Dzielnica, 4liberty.eu, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Svaboda Institute, Think Tank Centre for Dialogue and Analysis.