editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

4libert.eu Review

REVIEW #5: The Digital Side of Bulgaria
Review #5
REVIEW #5: The Digital Side of Bulgaria
If ever there was an example of an unregulated free market approach to the development of a new type of social relations in Bulgaria – it is the spread of the Internet in the country. Bulgaria currently has one of the most developed broadband infrastructures in the EU and frequently makes it in the top 10 of various global connectivity speed rankings.
REVIEW #4 Editorial: The Frames We Fall Into
Review #4
REVIEW #4 Editorial: The Frames We Fall Into
Ne te quaesiveris extra, the golden rule of Ralph Waldo Emerson, seems to have recently backfired. Central Estern European authorities have internalised it to such an extent that they rarely listen to any arguments coming from others. This tendcency to “trust thyself” plays well into the hands of populists who have no problem with exploiting it to the fullest.