editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


How to Understand Brexit Deal
How to Understand Brexit Deal
Politicians using bluff and masquerade have been unmasked, and leaving the EU turns out to be a humiliation for Britain, not a triumph. Promises of a quick and favorable divorce from the EU for Great Britain – what a surprise – did not work out.
There Were Better Times
There Were Better Times
Having said farewell to the year 2016, I do not really know whether I should be happy or worried. Should I be glad that this disastrous year has ended? Or rather fear that 2017 may be even worse. Why? I\'ll try to explain it in a nutshell.
He Really Did Jump!
He Really Did Jump!
This is what my brother reportedly said right after I left the airplane on the paragliding course. The UK referendum was a similar surprise. It could have been expected, nevertheless I did not expect it. Supposedly, you cannot even slow down when riding the integration bicycle.
Brexit: Repercussions for the UK and a Wake-Up Call for the EU
Economy, Politics
Brexit: Repercussions for the UK and a Wake-Up Call for the EU
Brexit can start a crisis the likes of which the EU didn’t get the chance to experience so far. For the first time, the process of economic integration, which went on continuously since the year 1951 when the European Coal and Steel Community was established, will stop. The result of the Brexit referendum sends a clear message that the EU has to start solving its problems, otherwise there may be other referendums in the future.