editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Donald Tusk

What New Polish Government Can and Should Do for Entrepreneurs
What New Polish Government Can and Should Do for Entrepreneurs
Donald Tusk outlined priorities for the Polish government for the next months. In his expose, he paid a lot of attention to entrepreneurs, promising to limit inspections of micro-entrepreneurs, introduce a cash-based personal income tax for entrepreneurs settling this tax with the tax authorities, and a vacation for entrepreneurs, i.e. one month a year free of social security contributions and a benefit of half the minimum wage.
Year of Political Struggle for Poland Ahead
Year of Political Struggle for Poland Ahead
The year 2020 in Poland is going to be very busy, politically. A presidential election, attempts to change party leaders, or a new political group. From the point of view of the state and citizens, a spectacle awaits us all. From the point of view of party leaders, it\'s going to be a fight for survival.
Donald Tusk, Europe’s Liaison Officer
Donald Tusk, Europe’s Liaison Officer
With a presidential election looming next year, the prospect of Tusk taking a one-man stand against the well-organised machine of the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) had come to seem risky, especially with all the lies pumped out by state TV depicting him as a puppet of Germany.
2017 in the EU: The Force Awakens
2017 in the EU: The Force Awakens
The EU closes the year 2017 with several strong accents. Among them, the launch of PESCO and triggering Article 7 (TEU) against Poland. This, paired with thevisions for the future of the EU presented by Jean-Claude Juncker and Emmanuel Macron may be a proof that the EU regains its strength.
Safety Nets for Poland: Donald Tusk and European Commission
Safety Nets for Poland: Donald Tusk and European Commission
With the president who is not willing to perform his duties as the guardian of the Constitution, it seems that it is thanks to the EU membership that there is still a kind of a safety net for Poland. Joining the EU back in 2004 now, in the light of the government that has set out to question the basic principles of European democracy, may prove a real lifesaver.
The Pressing Need for Energy Union
REVIEW, Review #2
The Pressing Need for Energy Union
While creating the Energy Union, the EU should do its best to employ such mechanisms that would limit the regulatory power over the prices of sources and energy of individual states on the national level as much as possible. Such a solution applied to this specific market would – at least to some extent – secure a proper space for market principles and energy prices reflecting incomes of the citizens of a respective state.