editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Smer after the Election
Smer after the Election
Slovak politicians create rules for entrepreneurship as if for people living on a different planet – and that is the way it has been for many years already. It is the politics of excessive interference in economics, which inherently and often unnecessarily limits enterprise freedoms.
Lithuania Ranks 13th in Worldwide Index of Economic Freedom
Lithuania Ranks 13th in Worldwide Index of Economic Freedom
Lithuania’s level of economic freedom has been steadily improving. The country has jumped up by two positions and ranked 13th in the world in the 2015 edition of the Index of Economic Freedom. The index is compiled by the Heritage Foundation in partnership with The Wall Street Journal.
Evolution of Economy
Evolution of Economy
The first task an economist has to master is to explain to people that there is such a thing as an economic problem. That is because people are more concerned with everyday emotionalism creeping into their lives by means of having to deal with another type of a problem that we could call an ‘engineering’ one.
Is the Start-Up Strategy of the Slovak Government a Bad Joke?
Is the Start-Up Strategy of the Slovak Government a Bad Joke?
Is there a difference between a starting entrepreneur and a disabled person? Yes, there is, and it\'s a big one. A disabled person has much fewer options if he or she wants to get a government aid compared to a starting entrepreneur. I remembered this joke when I was reading one of the government strategies. But the joke may soon become a reality if the government decides to implement it. And that\'s not funny at all.
Slovak Start-Up Mania
Slovak Start-Up Mania
In the last few years, the compound word “start-up” has established itself in the Slovak language and is successfully edging out the original term – “a beginning entrepreneur”. A start-up, a start-uper, the start-up scene, a start-up strategy, a start-up investment – the media are packed to the rafters with such collocations. This is not […]
E-residency as a New Opportunity to Develop Entrepreneurship
E-residency as a New Opportunity to Develop Entrepreneurship
In the second half of the 1990s and the first years of this millennium, the secure information exchange system “X-TEE” developed in Estonia and an ID card enabling identification provided us with the possibility to offer Estonian undertakings e-services unique to the whole world: establishing companies online, submitting reports, tax returns and entry applications with legal meaning through online information systems.