editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Freedom Games in Poland Are Coming!
Think Tank News
Freedom Games in Poland Are Coming!
Two weeks from now, the next edition of Freedom Games, a leading intellectual event combining political, social, economic, and cultural themesorganized by Fundacja Liberte!, begins. Let us find out what is in store for the attendees this year!
LFMI Holds Second Nation-Wide Economics Exam
Think Tank News
LFMI Holds Second Nation-Wide Economics Exam
On March 27, 2019, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) ran the second edition of the National Economics Exam. Aimed at promoting economic literacy and the relevance of economics education, the exam is intended for all citizens interested in measuring their knowledge of economics.
Invitation to Society 4.0: The V4 Perspective
Think Tank News
Invitation to Society 4.0: The V4 Perspective
Closed roundtable discussion organized by the Association for International Affairs. The event focuses on the Visegrad Group perspective on the Society 4.0 and on the Industry 4.0\'s spill-overs to the European Union\'s Internal Market. Liberte! will have a pleasure to be represented at the event by Marcin Frenkel, one of our contributors
Econtalks in Slovakia
Think Tank News
Econtalks in Slovakia
In 2017, INESS launched a series of informal economic discussions called Ekonomické reči (Econtalks). Seven events were organized so far and more than 420 guests altogether visited the evening forum. First Econtalks were held by Radovan Ďurana in March.