editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


People Need To Be Given More Freedom
People Need To Be Given More Freedom
The state must act where there is no other way. However, when it intervenes, the state must be efficient, strong, and decisive. In other areas, we must understand that our success is a collective creation, with the main author being the free citizen. Life improves only when solutions are in the hands of citizens, not dictated by the state.
How PiS Regulated Lives of Poles
How PiS Regulated Lives of Poles
Over the last eight years, the Law and Justice (PiS) government in Poland redefined the boundaries of regulations governing the lifestyle of citizens, introducing a series of laws and regulations aimed at promoting desired or healthy habits and behaviors, while limiting access to products and services deemed harmful.
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations are suffocating our freedoms, interfering with our lives, livelihoods, and comforts. Freedoms should be the priority of decision makers, but even the most basic freedoms such as those of trade and movement, vitally important principles in the EU, were set aside on the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Everyone Deserves To Live Freely
Everyone Deserves To Live Freely
Liberalism is a political philosophy based on the principles of peace. However, this fact has been very often generously interpreted by detaching liberalism from events beyond the borders of liberal states, no matter how anti-liberal, and thus threatening to freedom they might be.