editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Freedom Games

How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
The Economic Freedom Foundation has supported the Freedom Games for several years. At this year\'s edition, at the EFF stand, participants were able to share their reflections on capitalism. We contrasted them with the content of Capitalist Manifesto by Johan Norberg. Among those who took part in our survey, positive associations predominated: capitalism means poverty reduction, efficient accumulation of resources, and freedom.
Freedom Games 2024: Introducing Our New Speakers
Think Tank News
Freedom Games 2024: Introducing Our New Speakers
The festival of ideas is approaching, and our list of speakers continues to grow. The eleventh edition of Freedom Games will be held on October 18-20 at EC1 Lodz, under the theme \"City. Europe. Future\"! This year\'s edition will take us on a journey toward a better tomorrow, exploring the importance of cities in the context of Europe\'s future.