editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


LFMI Welcomed Proposals to Amend the Labour Code
Think Tank News
LFMI Welcomed Proposals to Amend the Labour Code
LFMI submitted comments to the Government and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, welcoming Government-proposed amendments to the Labour Code. LFMI believes that removing the requirements to keep employment contracts record books, to issue monthly pay statements and to conclude labour contracts according to the model form will reduce the high administrative burden for […]
LFMI News and Activities: May 2012
Think Tank News
LFMI News and Activities: May 2012
In May, the Lithuanian Tripartite Council debated Government-proposed amendments to the Labour Code that envisaged the first-ever thorough revision of employment regulation in Lithuania. The package contains proposals that would render labour relations more flexible to correspond to the real needs of the market and the existing reality. Supporting the Government’s proposals, we took part […]
LFMI News and Activities: April 2012
Think Tank News
LFMI News and Activities: April 2012
In April we continued working actively on the issues of higher education. The Parliament passed amendments to the Law on Science and Studies, incorporating our recommendations submitted in March. Among them is the provision enshrined in the law that well-learning students “shall be granted” studentships (the original wording of the bill was “may be granted” […]
Lessons from Lithuanian Austerity
Lessons from Lithuanian Austerity
In recent years, the Baltic States have been showcased as an austerity success story. While the whole world has seen countries such as Greece, Spain and Portugal struggling to reduce their public spending, Lithuania has been hailed as an austerity example. Lithuanian success in public spending cuts has been widely acknowledged; yet simultaneous tax increases […]
“The Taming of the Fiscal Shrew”
“The Taming of the Fiscal Shrew”
On March 2, EU-25 leaders signed the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, commonly called the Fiscal Compact. The Treaty was not signed by the Czech Republic and Great Britain. Lithuania joined the treaty, but it still needs to be ratified by the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas). Not being a […]
New Political Party in Lithuania
New Political Party in Lithuania
As The Lithuania Tribune writes a new party was granted a persmission fo be registered – the Lithuanian People’s Party, established by Vladimir Romanov. After regsistration in the Register of Legal Entities party will be formally set up. At the same time documents submitted by Democratic and Labour Party and Emigrants Party were rejected as […]
Lithuania Dissatisfied with EU’s Aid Distribution Proposal
Economy, Politics
Lithuania Dissatisfied with EU’s Aid Distribution Proposal
The Lithuania Tribune writes that on March 29 president Dalia Grybauskaitė met with Johaness Hahn, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy. The main topics of the meeting included EU financial framework for the period 2014-2020 and the EU Cohesion Policy. Dalia Grybauskaitė expressed Lithuanian dissatisfaction with the proposal concerning rules of EU aid’s distribution. Lithuania puts […]
Lithuanian Business Fears Problems in Eurozone
Lithuanian Business Fears Problems in Eurozone
A survey of the Lithuanian economy conducted by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) shows that eurozone problems do not leave anybody cold. Lithuania failed to join the eurozone in 2007 because it missed the inflation criteria by only 0.06 per cent. At the time, it was considered a big political failure. However, given the […]