editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ten Meetings
Ten Meetings
The migration policy of Europe can only be built on the true needs: of Europeans and refugees. It will only work when it responds to the needs, dreams, and desires: of security, economy, logistics, and dignity. To understand these needs, we must engage in dialogue.
Migration Crisis in V4: Discourse and Policies
Migration Crisis in V4: Discourse and Policies
After the rising number of immigrants in 2015, the implementation of the Common European Asylum System became a priority for EU member states. Nevertheless, it has been documented by many studies that the V4 group countries drifted away from these intentions. During 2016, the members of the Visegrad group worked together as a united bloc on migration issues in Brussels.
Reopening Poland
Think Tank News
Reopening Poland
Freedom of movement is a very essence of liberal principles. Classical liberals argue that every individual has the right to live wherever they want. And wherever the individual decides to settle, they should enjoy the same freedom rights as residents and be treated equally by the law.