editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Are Speculators Evil or Good? Does Speculation Require Regulation?
Are Speculators Evil or Good? Does Speculation Require Regulation?
You have probably heard it before: „Dishonest speculators are manipulating asset prices extensively. They make unjust and therefore undeserved profits. These vicious individuals only enrich themselves immorally at the expense of society as a whole, whose members, unlike them, depend on honest work to obtain scarce resources.
Deflation Has Come To Bulgaria, But How Long Will It Last?
Deflation Has Come To Bulgaria, But How Long Will It Last?
Already in May, the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria announced long-awaited news: on a monthly basis, the general consumer price index recorded a decline for the first time since the beginning of the war, and in June, this trend continued, even more noticeably. This has also been accompanied by a cooling down of the annual price change, which has fallen well below its peak since autumn 2022.
Four Waves of Inflationary Taxes, Are You Ready?
Four Waves of Inflationary Taxes, Are You Ready?
Inflation is often referred to as a tax, imposed without parliamentary approval, without legislation and without considering the consequences. Today’s inflation is special: printing money seemed to be pretty much the only way to respond to the pandemic and to finance rising public spending.
Food Prices Will Be Decisive for Slovakia
Food Prices Will Be Decisive for Slovakia
Rising consumer prices have become an important issue both in the world and in Slovakia. Although with the current single-digit growth, consumers of the 1970s would have laughed us out, it is good that we are talking about this topic out loud. Perhaps it will help us avoid much bigger problems.