editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


LFMI Holds 3rd National Economics Exam
Think Tank News
LFMI Holds 3rd National Economics Exam
Quarantine increases people\'s desire to study and learn. On March 25th the third national economics exam, organized by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, attracted a record number of participants (10,963). The motto of this year’s exam was “There is a human being being every number.”
On the Eve of Slovak Parliamentary Elections
On the Eve of Slovak Parliamentary Elections
With the parliamentary elections approaching, Slovakia is facing an unprecedented situation of uncertainty. The elections are held after four challenging years, marked by the murder of the journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová, and number of subsequent anti-government protests.
Towering Problems in German Education
Towering Problems in German Education
The quality of Germany’s educational system will also have an impact on its economic success. Since the German economy is based to a considerable extent on world-leading technology, a passing score can rapidly turn into rustication. Therefore, some liberal extra lessons are urgently needed.
Law on Education in Ukraine: University Students, Parents, Teachers Support the Change
Law on Education in Ukraine: University Students, Parents, Teachers Support the Change
In September 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted changes to the Law on Education that established Ukrainian language as the single language of school education. The Law aims to fight discrimination of national minorities in Ukraine creating the possibilities to study Ukrainian language at national minority schools.