In the Czech Republic, there has been a long-standing discussion about the possibility of taxing still wine. This issue is particularly relevant during times of economic crisis when the state is looking for ways to increase tax revenues. However, the introduction of new taxes should be based on a thorough analysis of impacts and should consider the insights and interests of all stakeholders involved to ensure that the tax is neither unnecessarily costly nor ineffective.

The twentieth anniversary of the entry of Poland and nine other countries into the European Union is a good time to remind ourselves of the benefits associated with this. In the Economic Freedom Foundation’s report, we focus on what is most important for the Polish and EU economies – the Single Market. More than thirty years since its creation, it can be considered a great achievement and the foundation of European economic development.

In 2035, the ban on combustion engines is set to become a reality at the EU level. From that point onwards, only pure gasoline or diesel vehicles should no longer be allowed to be sold. But what does this decision entail? To understand: The combustion engine ban pursued by Ursula von der Leyen does not entail a complete prohibition on driving conventional combustion engine vehicles starting in 2035.

The debt brake repeatedly sparks discussions and as the next budget negotiations in Germany draw nearer, voices calling for a relaxation of the rules on debt limitation grow louder. There were good reasons for its introduction, including the ever-increasing public debt burdens. The public debate in Germany is primarily conducted with unproven theses, assumptions, and assertions, as there has been no comprehensive study on the impact of the debt brake.


Economics and finance are an inevitable part of everyday life for every individual. Economic decisions accompany us at every step: when buying products, saving money for education, retirement, or vacations, choosing a profession or a job, paying utility bills, loans, taxes, and so on. And how well-informed these decisions are directly impacts our individual and collective future.

gender pay gap

A new regulatory avalanche is rolling in on entrepreneurs. The Ministry of Labour is about to implement the EU Gender Pay Directive. This introduces new bureaucratic obligations for entrepreneurs. They will have to inform about the criteria they apply when setting wages in the company and define the pay procedure so that the employee knows what he or she has to do to get higher pay.

The full-scale invasion has become the most exhausting challenge for Ukraine’s economy. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian business sector with strong medium-sized private enterprises has demonstrated outstanding resilience despite economic downfall, missile and drone attacks, and electricity outages. The IER research asserts that in the last two decades, Ukraine has grown a new private sector that secures Ukraine’s resistance.