editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Story of Poland’s Youngest MP: She Is Liberal Too!
Story of Poland’s Youngest MP: She Is Liberal Too!
The June 2024 EU elections had a tremendous influence on the political landscape throughout Europe. That was especially the case for Polish liberals, since after the Civic Coalition secured new European Parliament seats, the Nowoczesna Party obtained four new MPs in the Polish Sejm, including Aleksandra Kot, the youngest member of the Polish Parliament.
Cutting of Red Tape: Promise Once Again Broken?
Cutting of Red Tape: Promise Once Again Broken?
With its Commission Work Programme 2024, adopted on October 17, 2023, the European Commission emphasized its commitment to reduce reporting requirements by 25 per cent. While the Commission promises to cut bureaucracy, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is looming. The CSRD imposes substantial new disclosure and compliance requirements on companies.
Parallel Realities in Hungarian Public Discourse
Parallel Realities in Hungarian Public Discourse
For most of us, it becomes a frequent, increasingly common, everyday experience that causes anxiety, tension, or simply a bad feeling when a politically charged public topic is discussed during a conversation. We can also say that this phenomenon has become an integral part of Hungarian reality. In most cases, this sentiment is triggered by the fact that we find it increasingly difficult to contrast our opinions or narratives with other points of view.
Political Elite United against Authoritarian States
Political Elite United against Authoritarian States
As the Members of the European Parliament’s ninth term closed their books, we tracked the views of incumbent MEPs on authoritarian regimes. We used qualitative and quantitative methods to build an accurate picture of MEPs’ positions on authoritarian countries. We have analyzed 152 votes cast by MEPs between 2019 and December 2023 to determine the potential openness of these MEPs to authoritarian influence, particularly from Russia and China.
Ongoing Echoes of Polish Political Earthquake
Ongoing Echoes of Polish Political Earthquake
In recent days, the media in Poland have been dominated by information about the dispute over the election subsidy for Law and Justice (PiS), as well as the intense actions of the new government aimed at addressing the abuses of the United Right authorities. The awaited decisions by the National Electoral Commission and the arrest of former Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Romanowski are the main topics captivating public opinion.
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
The current process of negotiating salary increases for public servants should also be seen in the context of international comparisons. Slovakia spends the most on salaries in the whole V4, not only as a share of total public administration expenditure but also as a share of GDP. In these comparisons, Slovakia spends more than the EU average.
Progressive Tax Hidden in Levies
Progressive Tax Hidden in Levies
In its program statement, the government announced its intention to increase the progressivity of personal taxation. In the budget plan, it already speaks specifically of the intention to \"introduce 3rd and 4th personal income tax rates from 2025,\" which is expected to increase public revenues by EUR 78 million. A 3rd rate of 30% is to apply to annual personal income above EUR 80 000.