editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

4liberty.eu Review

REVIEW #8: Watch Out: Paternalism Is Taking over Europe!
Review #8
REVIEW #8: Watch Out: Paternalism Is Taking over Europe!
Be it alcohol, tobacco, or sugary drinks; individuals have a number of vices that they voluntarily engage in. It has been commonly accepted that we attempt to engage in these “vices” with moderation. However, over the past years, public health advocates have made it their mission to regulate people’s lifestyle.
REVIEW #6: Learning to Educate || EDITORIAL
Review #6
REVIEW #6: Learning to Educate || EDITORIAL
Although, as Dorothy Parker once said, “you cannot teach an old dogma new tricks”, we choose to believe that it is still possible. After all, to quote Nathaniel Hawthorne, “It is a good lesson – though it may often be a hard one – for a man (...) to step aside out of the narrow circle in which his claims are recognized”.