editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Position on <i>Equal Pay for Equal Work</i>
Position on Equal Pay for Equal Work
Under EU legislation, Member States are required to abolish any legal provisions contrary to the principle of equal treatment and have to introduce measures that would facilitate getting legal remedies in cases of alleged violations of equal treatment.
LGBT Rights in Poland Are Not a Red Herring
LGBT Rights in Poland Are Not a Red Herring
The debate on LGBT rights in Poland is not a red herring. It is a question of whether gays and lesbians have the same human rights as the rest of Polish society. It\'s the question that demands an answer from liberal parties – tells Liberte! Renata Kim, a Newsweek Polska editor.
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
“Inequality” refers to very important aspects of social life. But the debate on equality is full of confusion because of its many meanings, methodological and empirical errors and very strong emotions which “inequality” evokes. Conceptual confusion includes the lack of precise distinction between the inequality of situation and the inequality of opportunity.