editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Does State-Led Innovation Work?
Does State-Led Innovation Work?
Liberals are notoriously skeptical about the state\'s ability to generate innovation. A new study on the potential of national innovation agencies puts these concerns into perspective – and makes the case for limited state activity. Liberalism\'s success is not simply based on its philosophical persuasiveness but on its economic power. By inextricably interlinking political with economic freedom, liberalism paves the ground for a dynamic market economy that generates wealth and innovation.
What Monetary Policy Changes Caused General Price Increase?
What Monetary Policy Changes Caused General Price Increase?
The wave of inflation that evolved after the pandemic suggests that increasing the quantity of money does not necessarily lead to economic prosperity. Typically, as the prices of some goods rise, the prices of other goods fall. However, the euro area faced a rapid general price increase. This paper examines the factors behind this growth in prices.
Women Will Be Heard
Women Will Be Heard
Women in Poland are now more than ever at the heart of public attention. The closer we get to the election date, the more political declarations affecting women’s lives we hear. With numerous research studies proving that women\'s participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland will be politically decisive, the number of offers from party leaders is rising on a daily basis.
No Liberalism Without Individual Freedom
No Liberalism Without Individual Freedom
As Poland\'s parliamentary election approaches, a concerning trend has emerged. The far-right party, Konfederacja, with its current polling at 8-12%, is aggressively targeting the young electorate. While they champion economic liberal ideas like \'economic freedom\' and \'simple, low taxes,\' they conveniently sidestep the importance of ideological freedom.
Politicising Anti-Semitism
Politicising Anti-Semitism
There is a well-known saying, popular both in Poland and Hungary, that goes ‘Pole and Hungarian brothers be, good for fight and good for party’. It is humorous, but it is also a symbol of the unique relationship between the two nations, which is a rarity compared to other countries or nations. The saying refers to mutual friendship, similarities and good relations.
Poor Smoker: Tobacco Taxation in Slovakia
Poor Smoker: Tobacco Taxation in Slovakia
The need to consolidate public budgets is perhaps already evident, even to those political parties that have long perceived resources as limitless and freely available. Investors worldwide eagerly await opportunities to lend to debt-ridden Slovakia. Consolidation plans are beginning to emerge, the Financial Policy Institute at the Ministry of Finance has published the impact of austerity and tax measures on GDP.