editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Is Hungary Anti-Semitic?
Is Hungary Anti-Semitic?
The Hungarian government is not anti-Semitic. It is populist. Playing right into the fears of people is a typical populist strategy. It builds on the same fears as anti-Semitic campaigns do, true, but despite the same foundations, the end results are somewhart different.
Populists Versus Speed-Bumps
Populists Versus Speed-Bumps
In 2017, the Cambridge Dictionary proclaimed “populism” the word of the year. There are many definitions of the term, still, it always evokes strong emotions. One of the definitions of populism in politics was proposed by the Swedish think tank Timbro.
Using Enemies as an Opportunity
Using Enemies as an Opportunity
Those who want to stop populists need to learn how to plan strategically, set aside fantasies, and see the cold reality. They need to be proactive rather than reactive, preventively tackling the propaganda of the populists. Only when the strategic goals are achieved, should they feel good about themselves.